
This plugin provides a add-on to help building a response to the current HTTP request.

Make sure you read the dedicated Sending the response section for more information.


If you use the spincast-default artifact and the standard Bootstrapper, this plugin is already installed by default so you have nothing to do!

If you start from scratch, using the spincast-core artifact, you can use the plugin by :

1. Adding this Maven artifact to your project:


2. Installing the provided SpincastResponsePluginModule module to your Guice context.

Plugin class

The class implementing the SpincastPlugin interface is SpincastResponsePlugin.

Suggested add-on

  • Name : response()
  • Component : ResponseRequestContextAddon
  • Usage : to help building a response to the current HTTP request. It allows you to manipulate the HTTP headers and provides utilities to build the body.

Examples :

  • Sending content directly :

    public void myHandler(AppRequestContext context) {
        context.response().sendPlainText("Drink tea!");

  • Building the response model and render HTML using a template :

    public void myHandler(AppRequestContext context) {
        context.response().getModel().set("user", someUser);

This add-on is already installed by default on the Request Context type.
