Interface SpincastConfig

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AppConfig, AppConfigDefault, SpincastConfigDefault, SpincastConfigTestingDefault

public interface SpincastConfig
The configurations required by Spincast.
  • Method Details

    • getEnvironmentName

      String getEnvironmentName()
      Returns the name of the environment. The default value is local.
      the name of the environment
    • isDevelopmentMode

      boolean isDevelopmentMode()
      Let this to true on a development environment, where errors can be publicly displayed, where cache can be disabled, where class redefinition can be done, etc.

      In production set it to false

      The default value is true.

      true if debug mode is enabled.
    • isTestingMode

      boolean isTestingMode()
      Returns true if the context has been created for running tests.

      For example, this would by default disable the scheduled tasks to be registered.

    • getPublicUrlBase

      String getPublicUrlBase()
      The application can't know by itself on which scheme/host/port it is served publicly.

      For example, the server can be started using host "", but the public URL to reach the application will be The port can also be different, for example if a reverse-proxy is used.

      We need the public informations, for example :

      • To build absolute URLs
      • To create a cookie with an approriate domain, when none is specified.
      • ...

    • getPublicServerScheme

      String getPublicServerScheme()
      The public scheme
    • getPublicServerHost

      String getPublicServerHost()
      The public host
    • getPublicServerPort

      int getPublicServerPort()
      The public port
    • getServerHost

      String getServerHost()
      The host/IP on which the server will listen to. The default value is
      the host/IP
    • getHttpServerPort

      int getHttpServerPort()
      The HTTP (unsecure) port on which the server will listen on. If <= 0, it won't be used. The default value is 44419 so HTTP is enabled by default.
      the HTTP port
    • getHttpsServerPort

      int getHttpsServerPort()
      The HTTPS (secure) port on which the server will listen on. If <= 0, it won't be used. The default value is -1 so HTTPS is not enabled by default.
      the HTTPS port
    • getHttpsKeyStorePath

      String getHttpsKeyStorePath()
      The path to the KeyStore, for SSL. Can be a classpath path or and absolute path. The classpath will be checked first. Only used if getHttpsServerPort() returns a port > 0. The default value is null.
      the path to the KeyStore
    • getHttpsKeyStoreType

      String getHttpsKeyStoreType()
      The type of the KeyStore, for SSL. For example: "JKS". Only used if getHttpsServerPort() returns a port > 0. The default value is null.
      the type of the KeyStore
    • getHttpsKeyStoreStorePass

      String getHttpsKeyStoreStorePass()
      The "storepass" of the KeyStore, for SSL. Only used if getHttpsServerPort() returns a port > 0. The default value is null.
      the "storepass" of the KeyStore
    • getHttpsKeyStoreKeyPass

      String getHttpsKeyStoreKeyPass()
      The "keypass" of the KeyStore, for SSL. Only used if getHttpsServerPort() returns a port > 0. The default value is null.
      the "keypass" of the KeyStore
    • isRoutesCaseSensitive

      boolean isRoutesCaseSensitive()
      Are the URLS case-sensitive or not, during the route matching process? The default value is false.
      if they are case-sensitive
      See Also:
    • getServerMaxRequestBodyBytes

      long getServerMaxRequestBodyBytes()
      Maximum number of bytes a request's body can have. "-1" means no limit. The default value is 104857600 (100MB).
      the maximum number of bytes
    • isEnableHttp2

      boolean isEnableHttp2()
      Should HTTP/2 be enabled on the embedded Server, if its supports it? Note that Undertow, the default server provided with Spincast, does support it.

      Defaults to true.

    • getContentTypesToSkipGziping

      List<String> getContentTypesToSkipGziping()
      Even if gziping of the response is enabled, those Content-Types still won't be gzipped. If an entry ends with "*", it will be considered as a prefix (ex: "image/*" will match all Content-Types starting with "image/"). Otherwise, the current response Content-Type will have to exactly match the entry (case insensitive), or being followed by a " " or a ";".
      the Content-Types that shouldn't be gzipped.
    • getWritableRootDir

      File getWritableRootDir()
      A directory where generated files can be written by Spincast.

      This directory won't be emptied each time the application starts, but its sub solder "temp" will be!

      The default value uses System.getProperty("") to create the directory.

      a directory with write permissions for Spincast.
    • getTempDir

      File getTempDir()
      A directory where temp files can be written by Spincast.

      This directory will be emptied each time the application starts!

    • getDefaultLocale

      Locale getDefaultLocale()
      The default Locale to use if no other Locale can be found as a "best match", for the current request. The default value is Locale.US.
      the default Locale
    • getDefaultTimeZone

      TimeZone getDefaultTimeZone()
      The default TimeZone to use if no other TimeZone can be found as a "best match", for the current request. The default value is UTC.
      the default TimeZone
    • getRouteForwardingMaxNumber

      int getRouteForwardingMaxNumber()
      The maximum number of time a request can be forwarded to another route. After this number, an exception will be thrown. The default value is 2.
      the maximum number of time
    • getDefaultRouteCacheFilterSecondsNbr

      int getDefaultRouteCacheFilterSecondsNbr()
      When using the .cache() method on a route builder, this is the default number of seconds to use.
    • isDefaultRouteCacheFilterPrivate

      boolean isDefaultRouteCacheFilterPrivate()
      When using the .cache() method on a route builder, is the cache private by default?
    • getDefaultRouteCacheFilterSecondsNbrCdns

      Integer getDefaultRouteCacheFilterSecondsNbrCdns()
      When using the .cache() method on a route builder, this is the default number of seconds to use by the CDNs.
    • getDefaultStaticResourceCacheConfig

      StaticResourceCacheConfig getDefaultStaticResourceCacheConfig(boolean isDynamicResource)
      The default cache configurations for the static resource.

      This will be used if no cache(...) method is used when building the static resource's route.

      isDynamicResource - if true, a generator is use when the resource doesn't exist. Those kind of generated resources may be modified more often then trully static resources, so we may want to use a different caching period.
      the default cache configuration to use or null so no cache headers are sent at all.
    • isWriteToDiskDynamicStaticResource

      boolean isWriteToDiskDynamicStaticResource()
      If true, the dynamic resources (static resource which have a generator in case they don't exist) won't be saved to disk. This means that the generator will always be called, so changes during development will be picked up.
    • isAddDefaultTemplateVariablesFilter

      boolean isAddDefaultTemplateVariablesFilter()
      Should the GlobalTemplateVariablesAdderFilter be automatically added to all routes?

      This filter bind some default variables to be used by the templating engine.

    • getDefaultTemplateVariablesFilterPosition

      int getDefaultTemplateVariablesFilterPosition()
      If addGlobalTemplateVariablesAdderFilter returns true, then this is the position at which the filter will be added.
    • getMaxNumberOfKeysWhenConvertingMapToJsonObject

      int getMaxNumberOfKeysWhenConvertingMapToJsonObject()
      Gets the maximum number of keys in a Map that can be parsed as JsonPaths to create a JsonObject.

      This maximum is to prevent malicious user to POST a very big number of keys and harm the server.

    • getKeyMaxLengthWhenConvertingMapToJsonObject

      int getKeyMaxLengthWhenConvertingMapToJsonObject()
      Gets the maximum length of a key in a Map that can be parsed as JsonPaths using the create method.

      This maximum is to prevent malicious user to POST very long and complex keys and harm the server.

    • getJsonPathArrayIndexMax

      int getJsonPathArrayIndexMax()
      Gets the maximum index of an element of an array, when parsing a JsonPath.
    • isValidateLocalhostHost

      boolean isValidateLocalhostHost()
      By default, if getPublicServerHost() returns "localhost", getEnvironmentName() is not "local" and isDevelopmentMode() is false, an exception is thrown when the application starts.

      This validation is to make sure the developers didn't forget to override the getPublicUrlBase() method when they release to a non local environment.

      You can disable this validation if you want.

    • isEnableCookiesValidator

      boolean isEnableCookiesValidator()
      If true, Spincast will always try to set a cookie to validate if cookies are enabled on the client.

      This is enabled by default

    • getCookiesValidatorCookieName

      String getCookiesValidatorCookieName()
      Name of the Cookie to use to validate if cookies are enabled.

      The default is "spincast_cookies_enabled".

    • getCookieNameFlashMessage

      String getCookieNameFlashMessage()
      Name of the Cookie to to use save a Flash Message id.
    • getQueryParamFlashMessageId

      String getQueryParamFlashMessageId()
      The name of the queryString parameter to use for a Flash Message id, when cookies are not available.
    • getCookieNameLocale

      String getCookieNameLocale()
      Name of the Cookie to use to save the user Locale.

      The default is "spincast_locale"

    • getCookieNameTimeZoneId

      String getCookieNameTimeZoneId()
      Name of the Cookie to use to save the id of the user TimeZone.

      The default is "spincast_timezone"

    • getSpincastModelRootVariableName

      String getSpincastModelRootVariableName()
      Name of the root variables reserved for Spincast in the response's model.
    • getValidationElementDefaultName

      String getValidationElementDefaultName()
      The default name to use for the validation element that will be available on the response's model when Form elements are added.
    • getDictionaryEntryNotFoundBehavior

      DictionaryEntryNotFoundBehavior getDictionaryEntryNotFoundBehavior()
      If a dictionary key is not found, how must Spincast react?

      Note that if the key is not found for the current Locale, Spincast will first check if it exists for the fallback Locale (the empty Locale).

      By default, in debug mode an exception is thrown. Otherwise, an empty string is returned but an error is logged.