Select a file and submit it.
Only an image of less than 200KB will be accepted! Otherwise, you're going to see some validation messages.
template (the frontend part) :
Uploading a file is very easy. On the client-side :
<form action="#form" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data"> //... <input type="file" name="demoForm.fileToUpload" /> // ... {{validation['demoForm.fileToUpload'] | validationMessages()}} // ... <button id="subBtn" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button> </form>
Explanation :
input, with
a meaningful "name"
Validation Messages
from the validation of the file.
On the server side, we get the uploaded file using its
. Note that
multiple uploaded files can have the same name, but since we only have one here, we
use the getUploadedFileFirst(...)
method from our
Request Context :
File uploadedFile = context.request().getUploadedFileFirst("demoForm.fileToUpload");
We can then run validation on this file and process it. Here's for example how we validate that it is actually an image :
try {; } catch(Exception e) { form.addError("fileToUpload", "fileToUpload_notValidImage", "The file must be a valid image of type PNG, JPEG, GIF or BMP."); }
Explanation :
class to try to read
the image. It's it's not a valid image, an exception is
Validation Message
to our form to record the fact that the validation failed.
Make sure you also try the first demo of this section, Introduction - Single field which introduces forms and validation using Spincast.
Otherwise, you can learn everything about forms and validation in the dedicated Forms section of the documentation.