CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.cache(int seconds)
The number of seconds the client should cache this resource
before requesting it again.
CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.cache(int seconds,
boolean isPrivate)
The number of seconds the client should cache this resource
before requesting it again.
CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.cache(int seconds,
boolean isPrivate,
Integer secondsCdn)
The number of seconds the client should cache this resource
before requesting it again.
Cache headers related methods.
CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.eTag(String currentTag)
Specifies the current ETag (strong) of the resource.
CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.eTag(String currentTag,
boolean currentTagIsWeak)
Specifies the current strong or weak ETag of the resource.
CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.eTag(String currentTag,
boolean currentTagIsWeak,
boolean weakComparison)
Specifies the current strong or weak ETag of the resource.
Specifies the last modification date of the resource.
Sends "No Cache" headers so the resource is not cached
at all by the client.
SpincastCacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.cache(int seconds)
SpincastCacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.cache(int seconds,
boolean isPrivate)
SpincastCacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.cache(int seconds,
boolean isPrivate,
Integer cdnSeconds)
SpincastCacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.eTag(String currentTag)
SpincastCacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.eTag(String currentTag,
boolean currentTagIsWeak)
SpincastCacheHeadersRequestContextAddon.eTag(String currentTag,
boolean currentTagIsWeak,
boolean weakComparison)