Interface CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon<R extends RequestContext<?>>

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public interface CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon<R extends RequestContext<?>>
Request context add-on to work with cache headers.
  • Method Details

    • eTag

      Specifies the current ETag (strong) of the resource.

      A strong comparison will be used to compare the request ETag to this current ETag.

      Skip, or use null if the resource doesn't exist.

    • eTag

      CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon<R> eTag(String currentTag, boolean currentTagIsWeak)
      Specifies the current strong or weak ETag of the resource.

      A strong comparison will be used to compare the request ETag to this current ETag.

      Skip, or use null if the resource doesn't exist.

    • eTag

      CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon<R> eTag(String currentTag, boolean currentTagIsWeak, boolean weakComparison)
      Specifies the current strong or weak ETag of the resource.

      Skip, or use null if the resource doesn't exist.

      weakComparison - should a weak comparison be used instead of a strong one to compare the request ETag to the current ETag?
    • lastModified

      CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon<R> lastModified(Date lastModificationDate)
      Specifies the last modification date of the resource.

      Skip, or use null if the resource doesn't exist.

    • cache

      CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon<R> cache(int seconds)
      The number of seconds the client should cache this resource before requesting it again.
    • cache

      CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon<R> cache(int seconds, boolean isPrivate)
      The number of seconds the client should cache this resource before requesting it again.
      isPrivate - should the cache be 'private'? (help)
    • cache

      CacheHeadersRequestContextAddon<R> cache(int seconds, boolean isPrivate, Integer secondsCdn)
      The number of seconds the client should cache this resource before requesting it again.
      isPrivate - should the cache be 'private'? (help)
      secondsCdn - The number of seconds the resource associated with this route should be cached by a CDN/proxy. If null, it won't be used.
    • noCache

      Sends "No Cache" headers so the resource is not cached at all by the client.
    • validate

      boolean validate(boolean resourceCurrentlyExists)
      Call this when you are done setting ETag and/or Last-Modified to validate them agains the headers sent by the client.

      If this method returns true, the route handler should return immediately without returning/creating/modifying/deleting the associated resource! Appropriate headers have already been set on the response.

      resourceCurrentlyExists - Does the resource currently exist?