Interface WebsocketRouteBuilder<R extends RequestContext<?>,W extends WebsocketContext<?>>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WebsocketRouteBuilder<R extends RequestContext<?>,W extends WebsocketContext<?>>
Builder for WebSocket routes.
  • Method Details

    • path

      The path that trigger the beginning of that HTTP to WebSocket connection.
    • id

      The WebSocket route id.
    • classes

      WebsocketRouteBuilder<R,W> classes(String... classes)
      A WebSocket route may have multiple "classes" to identify and group them.

      For example, multiple routes may share the same "account" class and this information could be used to set a menu item as being active on an HTML page.

    • spicastCoreRouteOrPluginRoute

      WebsocketRouteBuilder<R,W> spicastCoreRouteOrPluginRoute()
      This sould only by called by *plugins*.

      When this method is called, the resulting route won't be remove by default when the Router.removeAllRoutes() method is used. The Router.removeAllRoutes(boolean) with true will have to be called to actually remove it.

      This is useful during development, when an hotreload mecanism is used to reload the Router without restarting the application, when the application routes changed. By default only the routes for which the #isSpicastCoreRouteOrPluginRoute() method has been called would then be reloaded.

    • before

      WebsocketRouteBuilder<R,W> before(Handler<R> beforeFilter)
      Adds a before filter. Those will be run before the WebSocket connection handshake is started.

      Note that there are no "after" filters because once a WebSocket connection is established, the HTTP one is no more.

    • skip

      WebsocketRouteBuilder<R,W> skip(String beforeFilterId)
      Skip a "before" filter for this WebSocket route ("after" filters are never run).

      This is useful when you set a global filter but want to skip it one a specific route only.

    • handle

      void handle(WebsocketController<R,W> websocketController)
      Saves the WebSocket route on the router.
    • create

      WebsocketRoute<R,W> create(WebsocketController<R,W> websocketController)
      Creates and returns the WebSocket route without adding it to the router. NOTE : use handle(...) instead to save the route to the router at the end of the build process!